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Image of 3D CAD, aerospace, fighter jet, inlet duct surface lofting performed by Bayden Engineering.

Jet fighter inlet duct

Image of 3D CAD, aerospace, Space Shuttle Fuselage, surface lofting performed by Bayden Engineering.

Space shuttle fuselage lofts

Sample of 2D surface loft drawing for a legacy aircraft  before converting to 3D CAD surface lofts by Bayden Engineering.


In the aerospace industry, conic equations are used to describe the curves that are swept through space to generate surfaces.

Conics are the curve of choice since they form smooth surfaces that are capable of creating laminar flow across surfaces. The military has used conics since they are a reproducible curves due to their mathematical equations. In addition, almost all existing aircraft used books full of conic equations to describe the lofts. these  "Master Dimension Books (MDB)" or "loft books"  are the only road map's available to obtain the true definition of aero surfaces. Bayden Engineering Groups team of seasoned lofts-men are highly skilled at the interpretation of these conic equations and then re-creating the matching surface in today's high end CAD systems.

The advent of 3D surface definition has created surface "Hackers” (No concept of tangency, parameterization, patch count, etc.) who create surfaces that may appear to be fine but the underlying equations for that surface are bad. Surfaces are the root geometry for all downstream CAD applications (solid modeling, NC programming, etc.). Some companies have attempted to convert point maps back into 3D surfaces which result in:

  • 4th order approximations

  • Gaps between adjacent surfaces

  • Curvature discontinuities

  • Unusable surfaces for downstream applications

  • Curves made up from individual arcs

True lofting is more than just sweeping curves through space to genreate surfaces. The proper use of curves creates proper surfaces. Once the surface has been generated, you need to go back and massage the surfaces to maintain critical specifications such as:

  • Curvature Control

  • Tangency Control

  • Dimensional Accuracy

  • Patch Count

  • Polygon Arrangement

  • Correspondence Control Parameterization


Curvature control is controlling the radius of each arc used to generate a surface.  Curve Analysis should result in a Bell Curve.  A negative radius is unacceptable for an air foil as it indicates an inverse or crease in the surface.

Typical curvature analysis image from aerospace 3D surface loft

Curvature Analysis

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing curvature control

Lofting curvature control


Tangency Control is the angle between two surface boundaries The lack of tangency results in surfaces that cannot be concatenated or joined to an adjacent surface. This leads to poor modeling practices.

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing correct tangency control control

Tangency control along green edges

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing incorrect tangency control

Lack of Tangency control


Polygon arrangement is the placement of control points on a patch. Poor polygon arrangement results in:

  • Increases patch count

  • Decreases dimensional accuracy of the surface

  • Limits downstream use, example: unable to generate NC cutter paths

  • CAD file is very susceptible to failure (System Crash)

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing poor polygon management

Example of poor polygon management

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing poor polygon management

Example of poor polygon management


Correspondence of points is the alignment and organization of adjacent patches. Lack of correspondence control will create a data explosion when surfaces are concatenated

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing good point correspondance

Example of good point correspondance

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing poor point correspondance

Example of poor correspondance


Parameterization is the manual control of polygonal alignment and tangency of adjacent patches. Misaligned patches will cause operations such as surface offsets and fillets to fail. Parameterization is required for downstream usability.

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing non parameterized surface patches

Non parameterized patches

Image showing 3D aerospace surface loft showing parameterized surface patches

Parameterizd patches

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